
Image and Text Analysis using Multi-modal Embeddings

Last Update: 22 Mar 2024 Description: Workshop materials for the Image and Text Topic Modelling using Multi-modal Embeddings. Designed to work with Google Colab. Check the full version on The Workflow Setting Up !pip install bertopic import zipfile import urllib import numpy as np import pandas as pd from tqdm import tqdm from PIL import Image from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util from bertopic import BERTopic import base64 from io import BytesIO from IPython.

GitHub (our page and what to do with it)

Our GitHub Here you can find the link to our GitHub. It includes material for different projects members of the group have done in the past or are still working on. Some things you will find there: Course Material for teaching R Annotinder: R package for working with a CCS Annotator for text annotation DigitalFootprintsLab for gathering, visualizing, and exporting digital trace data How to work with GitHub If you are new to working with GitHub, here are a few pointers explaining how to get started: